Visualize Visitor Behavior with the Ultra-width-band technology

Visualize Visitor Behavior with the Ultra-width-band technology

This is a team project in 2017 Digital Future Camp in Shanghai. Our team explored the possibilities of observing and analyzing human behavior in exhibitions with the UWB positioning technology. Special thanks to TA Hao Yin and all other great teammates. All pictures credit goes to the whole team.

In this study, the underground exhibition hall of C Building, School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University was selected as the experimental site, and UWB indoor positioning equipment was used as the behavior data acquisition tool. Firstly, collect the location coordinates and corresponding time data of visitors in the exhibition space; secondly, convert raw position and timestamp data into visitor trajectory data and store it in the SQLite dynamic database; Finally, visualize the data in an interactive web interface with javascript. Quantitative analysis of the behavioral data of visitors could provide exhibition spatial layout design suggestions.

UWB positioning equipment consists of mobile tags and base station. The mobile tag is the target of positioning. It communicates with base station by transmitting very narrow pulse radio signal at high frequency. In the locating process, the tag is held by the visitors to obtain their location information. Base station is arranged dispersedly in indoor space to receive radio signal from each tag and the location of tag could be further defined based on TOA (Time of Arrival) algorithm.

We also design an interface to visualize the real-time location data with Javascript and transform huge and abstract data information into behavior-related information, such as staying heatmap, streamline trajectory, moving speed and so on. Behavior patterns could be further extracted from the information and used as reference for design.

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